Credit Repair Process
Your credit score can make or break a lender’s decision when you’re attempting to be approved for a new loan. It can also be the deciding factor on that new job you’ve been trying to land. While it is possible for someone to repair their credit on their own, it’s best to go through a credit repair expert to make sure you’ve covered all of your grounds. The credit repair process can be extremely overwhelming, and that is why the professionals should handle the intricate details.
Please note, every case is unique and may differ depending upon one’s own personal needs. Before we begin, please view our blog for helpful advice and insight.
Ordering Your Credit Bureau Reports
The first step in getting your credit back on track is to order the actual report from all three bureaus. Each credit agency has their own methods of reporting, so it’s important to look at all of them to make sure your credit can be fixed as effectively as possible. TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian offer consumers a copy of all three of their reports for free once a year.
Examining Your Credit Bureau Reports
Once all three of your reports are received, the next step is to thoroughly examine the reports. Increase Your Credit Score, LLC takes pride in our attention to detail.
We will examine every last detail on all three of your reports from the way your name is appearing down to the High Balance History. We make notes of every potential negative aspect of your report, so we can help you repair the damaging impact.
Prioritizing Your Negative Items
Once every last negative item has been discovered, Increase Your Credit Score, LLC will prioritize them. While all of your negative items are important, it’s much more beneficial to tackle the items that are hurting you most. Remember, every bureau may be reporting something much different than the others, while others may not be reporting items at all. Certain items that we will be ranking include, but are not limited to, bankruptcy notes, foreclosure indications, repossession of collateral, late payments on notes, judgments or liens of public record, collection accounts, and more.
We will ask you specific questions on certain items to make sure we have a complete understanding of the issue so we can take the best course of action.
Disputing the Negative Items
Increase Your Credit Score, LLC will dispute everything as needed. We will attempt to have any negative items completely removed from your report or altered to good standing.
We will do a complete documentation of all of our work in the dispute process. This is the perfect time to give us any additional information you may have or to ask questions.
Credit reporting agencies have a certain number of days to examine any disputes. We have various methods of working with these agencies to expedite this process. Our methods are also effective in getting the credit bureaus to get those negative items removed.
Analyzing the Results
Once we’ve worked diligently with the credit reporting agencies, they will send you their results directly. In this step of the process, we will thoroughly examine the results of the dispute process.
Repeat the Dispute Process as Necessary
After we analyze the results to the dispute process, we will repeat our dispute process as needed in accordance to the package you chose.
Maintenance Stage
Once we’ve decided that your credit is in the best shape it can be, we will go over the various ways you can maintain your now excellent credit. You will leave our services with the peace of mind that you can live your life as you need to for many years to come.