Hello and welcome to another quick Credit Repair Tip. I’m your host, Denise Cestone, a former Credit Bureau Executive, Author, Mentor, and Founder of IncreaseYourCreditScore.org. I enjoy helping our clients achieve their goals of having outstanding credit quickly. .
If the major credit card companies denied your application, don’t worry – there are still plenty of ways to improve your credit score. Firstly, try going on a short-term “money diet” where you only pay for necessities with cash. Additionally, create your own payback schedule to get your balances as close to $0 as possible. Moreover, picking up a short-term job can also help speed up this process.
If possible, transfer your balances to a 0% interest credit card and pay it off before the interest kicks in; that could be another great tool. Lastly, paying your bills and other expenses on time is crucial for building excellent credit.
You’ve got this!
Start Today Increasing Your Credit Score!
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For a free 15-minute consultation, call us at 973-228-7599. You will walk away with:
- How to access your credit report
- What to look for that really hurts your credit
- What to do to start improving your credit